Application running slow on first launch

- When launching an application from AppsAnywhere, the behind-the-scenes application 'CloudPaging Player' is the workhorse of the application delivery platform.  For smaller applications, the launch process is quick and fairly seamless.  For larger applications, the streaming and virtualization (installation) can take some additional time (on first launch).  You can see progress of this process by click on the CloudPaging application from the system tray by the clock.

- Opening the interface for the CloudPaging Player will give you a status of apps already streamed/installed (Ready status), applications that are running and also show progress of a large application launch.  Larger applications like Solidworks, Siemens, Ansys, or Autodesk apps, to list a few, may take 30-90 seconds to launch on first run.

- Subsequent application launches (if you close the application) will open much faster as their is a cache for applications (much like internet browsers 'cache' or store files to load web pages faster).  This applies even to lab workstations and across multiple users throughout the day (as long as the machines aren't rebooted) as the application cache is 'shared' across users.

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