Panopto Student Assignment - provision course

You can create assignments in Moodle for students to submit videos. You will need to connect the course to Panopto before students can submit their videos. Students will get the following error until that is complete: A preconfigured Panopto LTI tool with the custom parameter "panopto_student_submission_tool" must exist to be able to use the Panopto Student Submission activity. Please see setup documentation for more information.

1. Turn your Editing on in your course. 

2. On the left docking menu, select the Add a block option

3. Select the Panopto block. 

4. It will add the block in the right side if your course. You will need to select the Provision course link. That will automatically enable your students to submit videos using Panopto in this course. 

5. You can keep the block visible, hide it, or delete it using the gear icon. 

Students can now submit their assignments after you create the Panopto Student Submission activity. 

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